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With PARSEC we aim to spark, inspire and enable future breakthroughs in the space industry by expanding and opening the access to space for everyone. By certifying professional civilians, we will build space human capital to supply the next generation of first-class private astronauts and mission control personnel that provide quality astronautics services for commercial space operations. Focusing on the future of human spaceflight, our vision is to become one of the world's major catalysts for a constant and impactful human presence in space for the benefit of life on Earth.

Our core values

Our core values are inspiration, integrity, curiosity, ingenuity, team spirit and perseverance. PARSEC is a highly motivated and dedicated team of diverse and multidisciplinary professionals committed to driving innovation in human space exploration. Our team focuses on creating a culture of accountability and transparency, while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, setting the standard for excellence in human capital development. We are driven by curiosity and passion, and aim to pursue bold, transformative and impactful ideas to support ventures in space-related activities. We foster an innovative and problem-solving mindset, prioritize collaboration and a supportive, collegial approach to working with partners and colleagues in achieving our ambitious goals. With a focus on perseverance and resilience, we are well-positioned to lead the industry in pushing the boundaries of human space exploration and increasing human knowledge, with the ultimate goal of inspiring and empowering humanity to achieve the impossible.



We firmly believe that it is of uttermost importance that everyone takes the responsibility to promote humanity, stands up for human rights, fosters an inclusive society, and acts with unconditional integrity.
We embrace transparency so that we are accountable for all of our actions. Facing all our endeavors with responsibility, we are guided by honor and the strongest ethical standards, striving tirelessly and expeditiously to fix any fault that we commit.
In the same way, we, ourselves, set the example for these beliefs, we expect all our partners, candidates, customers, and coworkers to implement it up to the highest degree of transparency, loyalty and honesty.



As a joint team of dreamers, we managed to always maintain a touch of childish enchantment for nature, its beauty and its stunning everyday's inspiration.
By shooting for the stars, we aim to represent favorable role models and lead to a positive and propulsive wake that pulls people to the zenith of their possibilities.
We demonstrate passion and thrive for excellence. We have the courage to take risks and aim for work that creates impact and leaves a positive mark on humanity.


Team Spirit

We resemble a multicultural and diverse consortium that cherishes boundless inclusion and puts high emphasis on team spirit.
By sharing our successes and our failures, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. 
While we appreciate and demand individual opinions and thoughts, one of our fundamental pillars is to foster a supportive and collaborative interworking environment.



Major achievements of mankind, especially in technological matters, are essentially driven by hard work along with a strong sense of ingenuity.
To foster a creative outside-the-box mentality and to empower a mindset that allows thinking beyond borders, we strive for a continuous interdisciplinary communication as well as a steady exchange of ideas and information, making an effort to consider all ideas no matter where they come from or how irrational they may seem.
We are not committed to old and proven ideas or processes and aren’t afraid to test new things. We find ways to connect different areas and explore ways to improve. We are problem solvers, we don’t dwell on problems, we find solutions.



As a group of multidisciplinary and independent scientists and scientifically interested space enthusiasts, our motivation is mainly driven by our unlimited curiosity.
Discovery is our motivation, we embrace the unknown and thrive in exploration. We never rest until we find answers, but most importantly, we ask transcendental questions that push even further the boundaries of our possibilities.
We aim to increase human knowledge about space activities and support human-aided ventures with regard to any space-related activities.



We acknowledge that aiming for highly ambitious goals requires a likewise high extent of self-motivation, constancy and perseverance.
We are never stagnant and keep moving forward. After every setback, we have the resilience to swiftly get back up wiser with a newfound motivation to become even stronger. We celebrate every win no matter how small, it moves us in the right direction but most importantly, it keeps us moving.
The expected degree of tenacity shall be accompanied under any circumstances with an entirely sportive, collegial and supportive behavior.

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